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an underwater photo showing a killer whale swimming under a fishing boat

Fishing is one of the most demanding professions in the world. Based on extensive  experience, we aim to make the long lining industry more efficient and sustainable.


We develop solutions tackling challenges such as whale depredation, birds, ice and working environment for the fishermen.


Today, we hold two patents; Sago Extreme and Sago Combi Pool.

Photo © Audun Rikardsen 

Sago Extreme klare pÄ kaien framfor Ocea

Sago Extreme

Sago Extreme un-hookes and secures the catch under water with great results, making it unavailable for whale depredation and reducing the risk of losing catch during hauling.


© Copyright Sago Solutions AS 2024 - Skaranesvegen 4, 5410 Sagvåg, Norway |
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